Coming out of Lock down

Being a freelance musician, I was absolutely terrified about the schools closing and everything being 'locked down' like everyone else I hoped it wouldn't last too long.

Initially I was very upset and disheartened when I realised how many of my students had declined Zoom lessons. My teaching schedule took a huge blow and I was obsessed with my decreased numbers. Overtime  however, I have realised that it really hasn't done any harm and it has clearly shown me which of my pupils are most devoted to their music making.

Since starting exclusively online  teaching I have become so used to the format and now find this method of teaching very enjoyable. When one of my non-zoom parents asked when I could begin 1:1 teaching again I felt rather confused. I was disappointed that this student hadn't entertained the notion of remote lessons but on the other hand they were keen to resume their former lessons.

My music studio is small (basically a tiny shed-like outhouse) and it is only just possible to keep a 2 metre distance. Teaching with social distancing in place involves me having to leave the room in order for my student to enter, and me having to literally have my back against the wall! I can't help wondering if it's really worth it to accommodate this student. Should I not continue distance teaching until life is slightly more stable?


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